Do you ride a bike?
CYCLED (CitY-wide biCycLing Exposure modelling) study understanding the routes that people choose when bike riding If you live in Greater Melbourne and ride a bike at least once a month, Monash University wants to understand the routes that you choose when bike riding. The Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research Group at Monash University are conducting […]
Sydenham Park Twilight Walking Tour
Experience a guided walk at one of the biggest conservation reserves in Brimbank, Sydenham Park. The walk will be held on Thursday 21 April 2022 from 5-7pm and will be led by Brimbank City Council officers alongside Ecologist, Lauren Tworkowski from Southern Fauna & Ecology. This is a great opportunity to experience the park which […]
April school holidays Grassland Games
The Green Lab @ Iramoo, supported by Brimbank City Council, invite young Brimbank residents and their families to come along to a morning or afternoon of free fun at Isabella Williams Memorial Reserve on Wednesday 20 April 2022. Come ready for action as we hop, jump, roll and run with nature. There will be a […]