Register your school’s interest for the 2024 Climate Oasis in Schools Program now
Want to co-design a landscape masterplan for your school? Find out more.
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre first year of operations
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre exceeds expectations in first year of operations.
Brimbank Council wins at Premier’s Sustainability Awards 2023
Brimbank Council was recently awarded in two categories at the Premier’s Sustainability Awards 2023.
Cat vaccines shortage prompts change to trapping service
Brimbank Council has made changes to its cat trapping services due to a critical, nationwide shortage of vaccines.
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre wins two National Awards of Excellence
Parks and Leisure Australia have awarded the Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre in two categories, the Community Facility of the Year and the Environmental Stewardship Award at the recent National Awards of Excellent.
Container Deposit Scheme launches in Brimbank
You can now collect and cash-in eligible drink bottles, cartons and cans for 10 cents per item at several locations throughout Brimbank.
Cut long grass ahead of annual inspections
Cut long grass in your vacant block of land or risk a fine.
We Are Brimbank Awards 2023 winners announced
We Are Brimbank Awards were announced at a special event celebrating extraordinary groups, people and organisations making a positive difference in the community.
Update on Sydenham Park Consultative Committee
Chair and community members appointed to the Sydenham Park Consultative Committee.
Sydenham Park shared user path opens
Council has created a new shared user path at Sydenham Park providing access to the city’s largest green open space.