It’s time to share your vision for our community’s future

We’re asking residents to have a say in the future of our community and to have input into some important strategic documents that will help shape the future of Brimbank.

Community Vision
Our Community Vision describes the communities’ priorities and aspirations for the long-term.

It sets out what the community wants the future to be like in Brimbank, and it focuses on three themes: People, Place and Prosperity.

In 2021, the community came together with Council, and agreed on the following Community Vision:

By 2040, the Brimbank community will be healthy and safe and we will be united through a sense of belonging and pride. Our city will be inclusive, resilient, innovative and vibrant and our people will share equally in the City’s prosperity and opportunity. The environment will be protected and enhanced and Brimbank’s diverse neighbourhoods and housing will offer something for everyone.

As we look towards 2050, we want to know if the Community Vision still matches the aspirations of our community, or if it needs to change.

Council Plan
Every 4 years, we develop a Council Plan that guides the work we do, and the way we do it. The plan sets out our priorities and actions to help us achieve our Community Vision. It also helps us build the health and wellbeing of our community and includes the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.

The community now has an opportunity to provide feedback on our Community Vision which will also inform our next Council Plan.

We want to know what the community loves about Brimbank, what their vision is for the future, and what they want Council to focus on across 2025-29.

Brimbank Mayor Councillor Ranka Rasic said:

“This is the perfect opportunity for the community to provide bold input into our Community Vision and Council Plan, and to help us shape our future together.”

“The community’s voice is powerful, so we need and want people to tell us what’s important to them.”

“With Brimbank growing in population, and our changing community needs, we want to know if Council’s current vision still holds true, or if it needs to change.”

“We’re asking community members to tell us what they think Brimbank should look like in the year 2050. Don’t miss out! Be part of imagining Brimbank’s future.”

How to provide input
Public consultation is now open and community members are invited to provide their thoughts and ideas by Monday 16 September 2024.

For more information or to provide feedback, visit or call 03 9249 4000.



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Copyright © Brimbank City Council

Brimbank City Council acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Wurundjeri People, and pays our respects to Elders past and present.