Brimbank Council has welcomed an announcement by the Federal and State Governments to expand Sunshine train station with a new regional platform, as part of its transformation into a transport superhub, and the key connection point for metro, regional and airport rail link services.
The new regional platform will built at Sunshine Station by 2029. It will allow more regional services to stop, including Bendigo train services – all delivered as part of the broader Melbourne Airport Rail Link project and Sunshine Super Hub.
The works will include
- a new regional platform
- improved landscaping
- car parking and quick drop off points
- safer access for travellers with mobility impairments and
- easier access to bus replacement services when needed.
Melbourne Airport Rail Link offices coming to Sunshine
Melbourne Airport Rail Link will also establish new offices in the heart of Sunshine, with around 340 staff to be located at Sunshine Plaza. This will bring a welcome boost to local Sunshine businesses working hard to rebuild and renew activity in Melbourne’s growing west.
Brimbank Mayor, Cr Jasmine Nguyen welcomed the announcement:
“Council welcomes the major transport infrastructure investment coming to Sunshine, and the significant economic contribution it brings to industries, businesses and jobs in Brimbank and the region.
“This is positive news for our community and not just commuters, bringing us another step closer to reaching our potential as a city ready to shine.
“Council also welcomes the government’s announcement to relocate project staff to Sunshine, which will help grow local businesses, and develop Sunshine as the centre of Melbourne’s booming west.
“We support this announcement and we look forward to further related announcements in the near future that will help realise the Victorian Government’s Sunshine Precinct Opportunity Statement.
“The new Sunshine Super Hub – to be built as part of the Melbourne Airport Rail Link is an exciting landmark project and we thank State and Federal governments and Ministers, the Hon. Jacinta Allan and the Hon. Paul Fletcher MP for their continued support to deliver the best outcomes for our community.
“The Melbourne Airport Rail project is a once in a generation opportunity to transform our city, to improve lives and livelihoods and create positive lasting change.
“We look forward to working with all governments and stakeholder groups to deliver lasting investment and create a liveable, vibrant and prosperous plan for the future.”
What’s next?
This announcement is the next step in developing a fully integrated Super Hub precinct. Council is looking forward to the release of the Sunshine Station Masterplan being developed by State Government, and continues to seek its full funding.
Since the Melbourne Airport Rail project was announced, Council has engaged with community and stakeholder groups advocating for more investment to deliver positive lasting social, economic and environmental change for Sunshine, Brimbank and the western region.