Some special visitors recently took a peek inside the Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre, as it gets closer to being finished.
They are the heads of the health and wellbeing services that will deliver their specialist services from the state-of-the-art wellness hub.
Those partners are National Disability Insurance Scheme provider Distinctive Options, community support agencies Comm Unity Plus Services and Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand.
One of the unique features of the state-of-the-art health-and-wellbeing hub is its partnerships with other organisations to offer integrated services for residents in Melbourne’s west aimed at improving their lives.
Brimbank Mayor Cr Jasmine Nguyen said that right from the get go the project has maintained a strong partnership focus to enable the delivery of important services locally.
“What makes this centre unique is that it’s been designed as a place where the community can exercise, be healthy and have fun while accessing health and wellbeing services all under the one roof.
“This redevelopment is a marvellous example of how to combine improved health and wellbeing outcomes with infrastructure redevelopment, and we can’t wait to get started.”
Healthy partnerships
Distinctive Options Chief Executive Officer, Ernie Metcalf, said its team was excited to offer its services from the new health hub.
“Distinctive Options believes the new Aquatic and Wellness Centre delivers a significant community facility into Brimbank, which will be the envy of many others. From a community user space perspective, the site opens up wonderful opportunities for the people with disabilities who we support. My organisation eagerly looks forward to moving into this first class community facility,” he said.
Comm Unity Plus Services, CEO Tracey Gaudry said the organisation was looking forward to providing its supports, aimed at enhancing people’s lives, at this new space.
“Together, we can increase accessibility to vital complementary services including family and legal services, adult education, and community programs that enhance overall life outcomes for more people living in the west, in a way that embraces their vibrant diversity and wide range of needs,” she said.
Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand CEO, Stella Avramopoulos praised the initiative for its innovative approach to supporting its community.
“The council’s ground-breaking approach, bringing together holistic health and wellness, will enable Good Shepherd to work in partnership with other services and better connect the Brimbank community with much-needed financial counselling, financial capability, family violence and family services,” she said.
(Main image, left to right) Comm Unity Plus Services CEO Tracey Gaudry, Brimbank City Council CEO Fiona Blair, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand CEO, Stella Avramopoulos and Distinctive Options CEO, Ernie Metcalf visited the Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre this month.