Brimbank Council’s efforts to add the former Sunshine Technical School to the Victorian Heritage Register continues, despite a recent obstacle.
Council lodged the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) application in September 2021 to ensure this architecturally and historically significant building was protected. This was after it learnt of plans to demolish vacant buildings on the site in January 2020. The site, in Derby Road, Sunshine, is owned by the Department of Education and Training.
Council recently received advice that an assessment was completed and the Executive Director of the Heritage Council of Victoria recommended it not be included on the VHR.
Council has made a submission with the Heritage Council of Victoria and requested to present to a hearing about this recommendation.
Brimbank Mayor, Cr Ranka Rasic, said while it was disappointing to receive this news about Council’s application for Victorian Heritage Register Listing, Council would continue to advocate for the future of the historically and architecturally significant buildings.
“Old buildings, like this former technical school, hold a special place in not just Brimbank’s history, but also an important historic legacy from Victoria’s educational past. They also add to the architectural diversity of our streets, and give our cities their special character.”
At its March Council Meeting, Council also endorsed a recommendation to write to the Victorian Government seeking confirmation that the appropriate systems and procedures were in place to ensure the heritage buildings at the former technical school are protected from vandalism and damage while the buildings are vacant.
It will also request that the unused site is turned into a co-working arts hub as an interim use of the heritage buildings.