An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 21 March 2023.
More information is available at 2023 Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.
Planning Activity Update and Delegate Decisions and Planning Scheme Amendment Update
This report provided Council with an update on:
- The status of Planning Permit Applications in February 2023
- Decisions made under delegated authority in February 2023 regarding planning permit applications
- The status of current Planning Scheme Amendments over the same period.
In February 2023 Council made 57 planning determinations, 14 subdivision determination and 61 new planning permit applications were received. The value of development for these applications is $45.5 million.
During the February 2023 period, there were seven Planning Scheme Amendments where Council is the Planning Authority or has requested either the Minister or Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) for a response. There was no further advice from the Minister or the DTP about these amendments during February 2023.
Brimbank Council Submission to Aviation White Paper
As part of Brimbank City Council’s ongoing advocacy to protect the health and wellbeing of residents living near the Melbourne Airport or beneath flight paths, it has made a submission to the Federal Government’s Aviation White Paper Terms of Reference (Aviation White Paper).
The Aviation White Paper is expected to set the long-term policies to guide the next generation of growth and innovation in the aviation sector. Council endorsed the Aviation White Paper submission at its Council Meeting on 21 March.
Its submission identified several concerns in terms of airport planning, consultation and management. It also highlighted the lack of transparency or adequacy of measures to protect human health and wellbeing including:
- The current aviation noise measurement system
- Ongoing monitoring of aircraft noise and aviation noise complaints systems
- The way airports plan and the Federal government assessment and approval process
- The ability for the community to present concerns or submissions to an independent and expert third party for consideration
- The current Federal statutory framework.
The White Paper submission is consistent with Council’s endorsed Submission to the Melbourne Airport 2022 Draft Master Plan and Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan for the Third Runway, which has underpinned Council advocacy, ‘Know the Facts’ on Melbourne Airport’s proposed third runway. Council was disappointed with the decision in November 2022 by the Federal Government to approve Melbourne Airport’s Master Plan for a third runway without conducting its own independent assessment of health impacts.
Governance Report March 2023
Council considered a summary of recent Governance activity.
This included a report on the exercise of delegated authority, Councillor Representatives and delegates reports from committees and records of informal meetings of Councillors.
In addition Council also:
- Noted the Councillor Support expenses for Quarters 1 and 2 of Financial Year 2022/2023
- Noted the attendance of Councillors Maria Kerr, Virginia Tachos, Bruce Lancashire, Jae Papalia, Thuy Dang and Ranka Rasic at the Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly 2023 (NGA 2023), to be held in Canberra from 13 to 16 June 2023, and that a report will be provided to Council after the Assembly
- Endorsed the draft Terms of Reference for the Safety and Wellbeing Partnership
- Endorsed the revised Terms of Reference for the CEO Employment Matters Committee
- Noted and endorsed the officer submission which was submitted to the Environmental Protection Authority Victoria on behalf of Council about the Draft Guidelines for Industry Separation Distances and Landfill Buffers
- Noted and endorsed the officer submission which was submitted to Melbourne Water on behalf of Council in response to the Maribyrnong River Flood Event
- Noted and endorsed the officer submission which was submitted to Heritage Victoria on behalf of Council in relation to Permit Application P37011 for works to HV McKay Memorial Gardens along with additional requests for Heritage Victoria
MAV/ALGA Motions
Council endorsed a number of motions to be submitted for consideration at the Municipal Association of Victoria’s State Council Meeting on 19 May 2023 and at the Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly to be held from 13-16 June 2023.
These conferences present Brimbank with opportunities to help influence State and Federal Government investment and policy. The motions to be submitted by Brimbank this year are not only matters of state-wide and national significance but are consistent with Council’s advocacy priorities or recently adopted Council resolutions.
The topics of these motions are listed below:
Municipal Association of Victoria
- Electric Line Clearance Guidelines Review for Urban Trees
- Reducing Harm from Electronic Gaming Machines
- Maintenance of Arterial Road Network
- Addressing Underlying Causes of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
Australian Local Government Association
- Increasing the Quantum of Financial Assistance Grants
- Compensation Scheme for Airport-Impacted Communities
- Voice to Parliament
- Restrictions to Gambling Advertising
- Back Your Neighbour – Mayoral Taskforce for People Seeking Asylum
Notices of Motion
At the Council Meeting on 21 March 2023, two Notices of Motion were carried:
- Brimbank Park Maintenance and Access – raised by Cr Virginia Tachos
- Requiring property owners to maintain their heritage buildings – raised by Cr Bruce Lancashire