An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 22 August 2023.
More information is available at 2023 Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.
Planning Activity Update and Delegate Decisions including Planning Scheme Amendment Update – July 2023
The report provided Council with an update on:
- The status of planning permit applications and trends in planning approvals in Brimbank in July 2023
- Decisions made under delegated authority in July 2023 regarding planning permit applications and other matters, and
- The status of current Planning Scheme Amendments at 31 July 2023.
In July 2023 Council made 89 planning determinations and 17 subdivision determinations under delegation. Seventy-nine new planning permit applications were received. The value of development for these applications is $32.1 million.
Five planning appeals were determined by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) over this period. At the end of July 2023, there were eight appeals lodged at VCAT that had not yet been determined. This is seven less that at the end of July 2022.
On 11 July 2023, Council submitted Amendment C214 – Development Contributions Plan 2022 – to the Department of Transport and Planning requesting formal exhibition of the amendment.
Draft Brimbank Lifelong Learning Strategy 2024-2029
Council endorsed the Draft Brimbank Lifelong Learning Strategy 2024-2029 for community consultation, and invites written submissions, for a period of four weeks.
The purpose of the draft Strategy 2024-2029 is to guide Council to support better learning outcomes for everyone, including developing skills, and building people’s knowledge and confidence to be able to be active in their community, find jobs, and look after their health and wellbeing.
The draft Strategy 2024-2029 builds on the achievements of the Brimbank Lifelong Learning Strategy 2018-2023. Feedback sessions from this strategy provided insights and learnings for the current iteration of the draft Brimbank Lifelong Learning Strategy 2024-2029.
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre Safety Update
Council noted the Safety Review Report undertaken at the Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre and endorsed recommended actions in the report for implementation:
- Establishment of a Watch Around Water Committee to meet on a quarterly basis to discuss future improvements.
- Installation of Watch Around Water grandstand signage in multiple languages.
- Provide all nominated supervising parents of children under 10 with wrist banding on entrance to the facility.
- In addition to regular Learn To Swim program, conduct regular ‘in-water’ Aquatic Safety Sessions which are free to access for under 5-year-olds and their parents. This program would act as a feeder program for Learn To Swim and to reinforce Watch Around Water policies.
- Develop and play additional audible Watch Around Water messaging throughout pool in different languages.
- Roster additional pool deck staff at peak times as Watch Around Water marshals to closely monitor adult supervision within pool area. This small team of staff would be highly trained and educated in best practice application of Watch Around Water.
- Provide further conflict resolution training to ensure staff have the confidence to engage with parents as required.
Council will also take the following actions in relation to car park usage and the pedestrian crossing:
- The installation of the flashing lights and required floodlighting at the Main Road Pedestrian Crossing to meet Australian Standards by September 2023.
- Monitor car parking occupancy over time and consider time restricted parking in the future should assessment results warrant it.
- Removing six existing parking spaces at close proximity to the facility and replace with four disabled car parking spaces. (Due to additional space required for disabled car parking spaces three existing parking spaces are required to fit the space requirements of two disabled car parking spaces). Design is required, with the cost estimated for construction being estimated as approximately $25,000, which officers believe can be achieved within existing funding allocation in 2023/2024.
- The construction of an additional car parking area at the centre is also under consideration, given the high occupancy of car park areas studied, however due to the impact, potential complexity and cost, this will be subject to the development of a business case including investigation of all planning permit and native flora and fauna matters. This business case would provide the necessary detail to inform consideration for delivery as part of the 2023/2024 Capital Works program (subject to available funding and Council approval), or in a future year.
Governance Report August 2023
Council considered a summary of recent Governance activity. This included a report on the exercise of delegated authority, Councillor Representatives and delegates reports from committees and records of informal meetings of Councillors.
In addition, Council also noted the community engagement process and received a report on submissions on the draft Brimbank Governance Rules 2023 and will write to submitters thanking them for their submissions on the draft Brimbank Governance Rules 2023 and advising of Council’s decision.
Council also deferred the consideration of the Brimbank Governance Rules 2023 to a future Council Meeting.
Brimbank Council Plan Year 2 Quarter 4 Progress Report
Council noted the status of actions of the ‘Together we are Brimbank’ Council Plan 2021-2025 for the fourth quarter of the Year Two Action Plan (April to June 2023).
As of 30 June 2023, of the 119 actions in the Council Plan Annual Action Plan, 114 actions were completed and five are still in progress due to extenuating circumstances.
The progress report lists Council’s achievements in the quarter as they relate to priorities and strategic directions:
- People and Community
- Places and Spaces
- Opportunity and Prosperity
- Leadership and Governance.
Advocacy Update
Council has endorsed the draft motions that have been submitted to the upcoming Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) State Council Meeting to be held on 13 October 2023. The motions cover the following topics:
- Construction of the Melbourne Airport Rail
- Upgrading the Calder Freeway
- Housing Affordability and Homelessness
Council also noted both the Delegates Report of the recent ALGA National General Assembly as well as the major advocacy highlights in recent months.
These highlights include the launch of a new Memorandum of Understanding with Victoria University, significant State Budget investments committed for the City of Brimbank and the recent Victorian Government announcement to reform the operation of electronic gaming machines in pubs and clubs.
Notices of Motion
At the Council Meeting on 22 August 2023, one Notice of Motion was carried:
- Calder Freeway Upgrades – raised by Cr Bruce Lancashire