An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 17 May 2022.
More information is available at 2022 Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.
Submission to Melbourne Airport Master Plan & Third Runway Development Plan
Brimbank Council endorsed lodging a submission formally opposing the Melbourne Airport Masterplan and Draft Major Development Plan for the third runway, because of the unreasonable and unacceptable health risks posed to the Brimbank community.
Brimbank’s submission incorporates community views and seeks the best possible outcomes for its community.
The independent health risk assessment work that Council commissioned, involved targeted community engagement to understand the current impacts of aircraft noise on the Brimbank community.
Brimbank’s submission focuses on the key themes of Stakeholder Engagement; Health Impacts (Noise and Public Safety); Air Quality; Environment Protection Act Legislation; Compensation; Human Rights; Public Safety Area; Access; Environment; Economic Development; and Statutory Planning.
Council is calling for a range of actions by Federal and State governments to minimise the harm to human health from airport operations.
A summary of Council’s feedback and outcomes sought from the future development of the Master Plan and MDP can be read in Brimbank Council’s submission.
To stay informed visit
Brimbank Council Plan Progress Report Year 1 Quarter 3 2021/2022
Council is making good progress on strategies listed in Together we are Brimbank, which integrates Council’s Community Vision, Council Plan (2021-2025) and Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.
A quarterly progress report provides results and analysis for the 125 actions in the 2021/2022 Council Plan Annual Action Plan for the third quarter (January – March 2022).
As of 31 March 2022, 90 per cent of actions have commenced and are progressing well and the remaining 10 per cent have been completed.
These actions cover multiple areas and include things such as:
- analysing gaps in Council’s response to loneliness and isolation as an escalating mental health challenge
- celebrating people and places that enhance community pride through the We Are Brimbank Awards
- initiating a zero per cent increase for seniors fees across all community facilities
- developing a capital works dashboard to report on progress of construction projects
- finalising the Brimbank Tree Policy and Significant Tree Policy to guide our approach to tree management.
To read the full progress report, visit
Governance Report May 2022
Council considered a summary of recent Governance activity.
This included a report on the exercise of delegated authority, Councillor Representatives and delegates reports from committees and records of informal meetings of Councillors.
In addition Council:
- Noted the appointment of Mayor Cr Jasmine Nguyen to the 2022 Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel
- Notes the attendance of Cr Jasmine Nguyen, Cr Virginia Tachos and Cr Maria Kerr, at the Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly 2022 (NGA 2022), to be held in Canberra from 19 to 22 June 2022, and that a report will be provided to Council following NGA 2022.Rescheduled the June Council Meeting from 21 June 2022 to 23 June 2022
State Budget Response
Council received the 2022-2023 Victorian Budget with mixed reactions.
In November 2021, Council welcomed the State Government’s announcement of the Sunshine Precinct Opportunity Statement. This was followed by the consultation earlier this year on nine key project ideas to help transform the Sunshine the Sunshine precinct. Despite these developments, the Victorian Government is yet to provide any certainty on the delivery of this key project.
Whilst Council is disappointed that funding remains to be committed for the Sunshine and Albion precincts, we are grateful for the Victorian Government’s investment in multiple initiatives in the City of Brimbank.
These include funding for:
- Upgrading existing facilities at St Albans Heights Primary School
- Signal upgrades at the intersection of McIntyre Road and Phoenix Street in Sunshine North
- $2.4m for supporting creative industries and artists in Melbourne’s west
Council also welcomes the more than $900 million commitment to build the new Melton Hospital, funding to expand the emergency department at Werribee Mercy Hospital, $18.6 million to upgrade the intersection of the Derrimut-Hopkins Road and Boundary Road in Tarneit, and $14.9 million to upgrade part of the Melton Highway in Plumpton. These investments will make a positive difference to all residents of Melbourne’s west.
Quarterly Budget Report – March 2022
Council has prepared its Quarterly Budget Report – March 2022 following adoption of the Annual Budget 2021/2022 at the Council meeting on 15 June 2021.
This quarterly report is a requirement under the Local Government Act 2020.
This report demonstrates Council’s commitment to the principles of sound financial management in a sustainable and responsible manner.
Mental Wellbeing Plan 2022-2024
Brimbank Council has adopted a Mental Wellbeing Plan 2022-2024 which will shape and strengthen strategies for improving mental health in the community.
Mental wellbeing has been identified as a significant issue in Brimbank, with residents reporting lower levels of wellbeing than the Victorian average. Women also reported more psychological distress, anxiety and depression than men.
Council conducted research with key stakeholders last year to analyse mental health service provision. This followed the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System which identified a range of issues in Brimbank.
Under the plan, actions will be implemented over a two-year timeframe, to enable Council to respond to service system reforms that are being rolled out by the Victorian Government to implement the Royal Commission recommendations.
Final Draft Social and Affordable Housing Position Statement
Brimbank Council has adopted its first Position Statement on Social and Affordable Housing following public consultation in February and March.
Research commissioned by Council estimated a shortfall of more than 4,000 social and affordable dwellings in Brimbank.
Access to well-planned social and affordable housing contributes to improved employment and education participation, better social connections and reduced demand for support services.
The position statement will guide Council’s efforts to encourage and support an increased supply of social and affordable housing in Brimbank.
Federal and state governments are primarily responsible for providing the funding, regulatory and policy direction for social and affordable housing.
Brimbank Community Grants Program 2022/2023 Categories
Council has approved the categories for the Brimbank Community Grants Program 2022/2023 as follows:
- Community Strengthening Grants – up to $10,000
- Climate Emergency Grants – up to $10,000
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Grants- up to $10,000
- Establishment Grants – up to $1,500
- Community Festival and Event Grants- up to $10,000
- Major Festival and Event Grants – up to $25,000
- Seniors Operational Grants – up to $600.
The grants provide assistance to not-for-profit organisations, community groups and other organisations to deliver projects that improve Brimbank’s health and wellbeing, life-long learning, sustainable living and community networks.
Support will be available to support grant applications including:
- access to Council contact officers to answer enquiries
- a series of grant writing workshops and information sessions in July, including interpreters at selected sessions
- translated materials in the most spoken languages in Brimbank –Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Greek and Macedonian – and emerging languages, including Chin Hakka (Chin-Burmese), Arabic (Iraq) and Dinka (South Sudanese).
The Brimbank Community Grants Program 2022/2023 opens for applications on 27 June and close on 14 August. For more information, visit
Notices of Motion
At the Council Meeting on 17 May April 2022, Councillors put forward one notice of motion:
- Notice of Motion – raised by Cr Lancashire – Sunshine Energy Park