An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 13 December 2022.
More information is available at 2022 Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.
Planning Activity Update and Delegate Decisions and Planning Scheme Amendments Update
This report provided Council with an update on:
- The status of Planning Permit Applications in December 2022
- Decisions made under delegated authority in November 2022, regarding planning permit applications
- The status of current Planning Scheme Amendments as at 30 November 2022.
The report showed Council received 69 new planning permit applications in November 2022, and the value of development for these 69 applications is $102.6 million.
There were no planning appeals determined by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) in November 2022. At the end of November, there were 12 appeals lodged at VCAT that had not yet been determined. This is one less than at the end of November 2021.
The report also included the status of the five current planning scheme amendments, where Council is the Planning Authority, or has requested the Minister to prepare an amendment.
Planning Scheme Amendment C219brim – Heritage Updates
Council resolved to seek authorisation from the Planning Minister to prepare and exhibit Planning Scheme Amendment C219brim.
The proposed amendment seeks to address some heritage gaps by including properties within the Heritage Overlay, including:
- Four properties within the Grand Junction Estate and Matthews Hill Precinct in Sunshine
- Seven Beaufort Homes in Albion and Sunshine
- Quonset Warehouse, Sunshine
The proposed amendment will now be submitted to the Minister for consideration, and placed on exhibition if authorised.
Planning Scheme Amendment C227brim – Sunshine Barley Terminal Silos Panel Report
Council resolved to note the Planning Panel Report received for the Sunshine Barley Terminal Silos and adopt the Planning Scheme Amendment C227brim with modifications.
The amendment proposes the protection of heritage built form by inclusion in the Heritage Overlay, with modifications made to the Statement of Significance and Heritage Citation.
Key changes included that the Ascom Shed did not meet the threshold for historical significance and inclusion of 20 metre development buffer.
The adopted amendment will now be submitted to the Minister for Planning, who will consider it for approval.
Planning Scheme Amendment C214 – Development Contributions Plan Overlay
Brimbank Council has endorsed the updated Development Contributions Plan (DCP) 2022 and Amendment C214brim to the Brimbank Planning Scheme for consultation.
Council resolved to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit Amendment C214brim at its meeting on 23 June 2020. Authorisation was granted on 1 February 2022, subject to six conditions, including updates to the DCP. The draft DCP 2022 updates the previously endorsed draft DCP 2019 and allows for the collection of approximately $7.8 million towards 48 new or upgraded community infrastructure projects necessary to support Brimbank’s growing community.
Subject to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s conformation that the changes meet the Minister’s conditions of authorisation, the amendment will be placed on public exhibition.
All submissions received during the consultation period about the amendment will be presented to a future Council meeting where Council can consider the next stage of the amendment process.
Final Draft Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027
Brimbank City Council adopted the Brimbank Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027 at its 13 December 2022 Council Meeting.
The Strategy has been developed to guide and focus Council’s economic development activity over the next five years, and to grow and support the local economy through:
- Business development, support and growth
- Investment attraction and facilitation
- Employment participation and growth
The Strategy continues a substantial program of business communications, networking, and business and industry development. It also identifies some new actions to be progressed over the first two years of the strategy (subject to budget), including but not limited to:
- Advocacy for improved telecommunications and digital infrastructure to support business operations
- Commencing the preparation of a Structure Plan for the Deer Park Activity Centre and surrounds
- Engaging with key sectors affected by labour shortages such as health care, social assistance, manufacturing and hospitality
- Partnering with tertiary education institutions and industry to formulate and implement a targeted approach to local labour force needs and skills gaps
Feedback from the four-week community consultation period informed the final strategy, and Council received 19 responses.
Governance Report December 2022
Council considered a summary of recent Governance activity.
This included a report on the exercise of delegated authority, Councillor Representatives and delegates reports from committees and records of informal meetings of Councillors.
In addition Council also:
- Resolved to undertake a process of deliberative engagement in 2023 to inform a full review and update of the Community Engagement Policy, following the establishment of a Community Panel.
- Noted the Councillor Support Expenses for Quarters 3 and 4 and the annual total of Financial Year 2021/2022
Advocacy Update – December 2022
The Advocacy Update report for 2022 provided Council with:
- Advocacy highlights over the past 12 months
- Update on Council’s “Know the Facts on the Third Runway” campaign
- LeadWest advocacy update
- Status of Council’s Memorandum of Understanding with Victoria University
Advocacy highlights
Highlights included advocating for the priorities of our communities ahead of the Federal and State elections. Council was successful in achieving significant announcements of government projects and initiatives to benefit our community. These included promises of a community battery in Brimbank, a new train station at Keilor East, an $80m investment to rebuild Albion Station and the release of the Sunshine Precinct Masterplan accompanied with a $143m investment to implement the first stage of this Masterplan. Council also welcomed 30 successful grant applications, with a value of more than $7 million.
Third Runway
Council launched the ‘Know the Facts on the Third Runway’ campaign and called on the Federal Government to commission an independent assessment into the health impacts of a potential third runway at Melbourne airport before making any decision on the runway. Whilst the Australian Government approved Melbourne Airport’s proposed Master Plan, Minister King raised concerns about increased noise levels and advised Melbourne Airport that these concerns need to be addressed as part of the Major Development Plan.
LeadWest advocacy update
After their engagement with LeadWest member Councils, Premier Strategy and LeadWest implemented an objective selection process to identify the following six projects with the greatest benefit for all five LeadWest member Councils:
- A regional mental health program
- Active and public transport networks
- Outer Metropolitan Ring (Road and Rail)
- Sunshine Precinct
- Wetlands Centre
- Creative West
Brimbank’s MOU with Victoria University
Some of the highlights from the current MoU include:
- The ‘Future Jobs in Melbourne’s West’ project
- The Victoria University report ‘Strategies for Skills and Jobs in Melbourne’s West’
- The Brimbank ‘Local Jobs for Local People’ program
Council endorsed that the MoU be refreshed and extended beyond its expiry in April 2023.
Keilor Downs Bocce Club Shade Structures
Council referred the matter to the update of the Sports Facility Development Plan.
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre Operational Update
Council noted the success of the new facility, significant visitations and member numbers which has resulted in some operational challenges including the necessity to ensure water meets the required health regulations with periods of such high bather loads during warmer days.
The aquatic consultant, ADCO and Brimbank project teams are currently working on a longer-term solution to minimise downtime of the facilities. The 10-year projections estimated no more than 4,000 average active members for the facility, BAWC opened with over 5,500 members and currently has over 9,811 members.
Sports Facility Development Plan Rolling Programs, Assessment Criteria and Weightings
There are 17 Rolling Programs in the Sports Facility Development Plan with detailed assessments and weightings to assist Council to prioritise work and investment in these sports club facilities. The Assessment Criteria and Weightings outlined in the submission were welcomed and carried by Council and will be used in updating the Plan, which is currently underway.
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre Fee Comparison
An extensive benchmarking of fees is detailed in the report. Council noted the analysis of affordability for families, seniors and people receiving government support payments. Membership fees and casual entry prices at Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre are comparable with other leisure and work is underway to explore affordable options for those in most need of support to access the facility. An increase to the casual entry fee discount for concession and for children and families has been referred to the 2023/2024 Budget process and membership fee increases have been deferred to 1 July 2023.
Combined Report Cards-Homelessness, Electronic Gambling, Safe and Inclusive Brimbank, Fairness Equality and Respect, Reconciliation Action Plan, Settlement Action Plan, Children’s Plan and Volunteer Strategy
Council noted the annual Report Cards that list key achievements of its plans, policies and strategies that contribute to a healthy, safe and inclusive community.
The Report Cards keep the community informed by providing feedback about progress made towards implementing Fairness Equality and Respect Strategy 2019-23, Safe and Inclusive Brimbank Strategy 2020-24, Electronic Gambling Policy 2019, Homelessness Implementation Plan, Brimbank Settlement Action Plan 2019-2023, Innovative Reconciliation Plan 2019-2021 (extended to 2022), Children’s Strategy 2020-2024 and Volunteer Strategy 2018-2022.
There are no Environmental, Financial, Regulatory or Safety risks identified.
The strategies and plans have helped Council meet the community’s priorities in the 2021-2022 period.
Emergency Management – December 2022 Update
Council noted the Emergency Management Planning, December 2022 Update.
The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) was created in December 2020. The MEMPC exists separately to Council, and is not a committee of Council.
Under the Emergency Management Act Councils responsibilities include:
- Facilitate emergency management planning for emergencies in relation to its municipal district by establishing the MEMPC
- In collaboration with other agencies, enable community participation in emergency preparedness, including response and recovery activities
- Nominate a Chairperson for the MEMPC, one or more Municipal Emergency Management Officers, and one or more Municipal Recovery Managers.
There were four MEMPC meetings in 2022. The MEMPC meeting discussion items includes: crisis management framework, agency updates, fire prevention management, storm and flood emergency management and COVID-19 response.
Council also noted that it receives an annual update on the Emergency Management Planning.
Draft Sunshine Energy Park Vision Plan
Council has endorsed the Draft Sunshine Energy Park Vision Plan, which aims to create a vision for a new major parkland destination directly adjacent to the Sunshine CBD and the Albion Quarter urban renewal precinct.
The Draft Vision Plan sets an exciting new 30-year vision and plan that proposes extensive tree planting, a solar farm, cycling and walking tracks, sustainability hub, sports fields and stadium, play spaces, and an extensive urban forest and wetland system.
The transformation of Sunshine Energy Park into an urban parkland has the potential for a new State significant parkland with opportunities for connection to country, sport, leisure and recreation, education, events, recycling and repurposing, energy production, food growing, habitat creation, social interaction and play.
The Draft Vision Plan is an action from Council’s Transforming Brimbank agenda. Following community and stakeholder consultation, and consideration of feedback, a report will be presented to Council for consideration of adoption of the final Vision Plan. Once a final Plan is adopted, Council will then work with key partners, including State Government to develop business cases to inform funding opportunities for each of the key project areas.
This 54 hectares of vacant land was previously a basalt quarry and is now a closed landfill site. The closed Sunshine Landfills are now suitable for recreation and community use after extensive rehabilitation works and aftercare management, which will continue into the future.
Now we have the opportunity to create a vision for the site to be restored and reimagined as a prominent open space and an environmental and cultural asset for the community, long into the future.
The Draft Vision Plan will be open for community consultation no earlier than February 2023 on Council’s Your Say website. To keep up to date and have your say visit