Please don’t buy grocery items sold illegally on footpaths

Victorian Police and Council continue to crack down on goods sold illegally on the footpaths in St Albans town centre.

Victoria Police regularly run operations targeting the illegal sale of grocery goods on the footpath. The operation also involves the Sheriff’s office and Brimbank Council. It has resulted in the seizure of goods, fines, and arrests.

Anyone selling food items must be registered. Once registered they must comply with practices that include maintaining clean food premises, satisfactory food handling practices, safe storage, manufacturing, cooking, and display of food. This sets important food and safety standards to protect the health and safety of the community.

The community are reminded that buying food items sold illegally on the footpath is unsafe and puts the buyer at risk of food poisoning. The items being sold could also be stolen goods.

If business operators, or residents witness illegal food selling activity, they can report it to Brimbank Council on 9249 4000, or to Victoria Police on 131 444.

Image: An example of some of the stolen goods being sold by unregistered sellers.


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Brimbank City Council acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Wurundjeri People, and pays our respects to Elders past and present.