Where do I start with telling you all about my neighbour and her family? Oh I know! I will start by saying how people like this do not come around often and are few and far between. My neighbour Senada Ekic is not just a neighbour. She is my friend, my family and so much more. I met my neighbours when I moved here to Melbourne from Sydney in 2009 and have known them since.
There has not been a meal that she has made and not brought over to us. My husband’s favourite Pancakes are the Nutella-filled ones that she makes. When we need to go overseas to visit family, they are the ones who look after our home.
But that’s just the start. When I gave birth to my twins back in 2018, she would without fail offer a hand even when it wasn’t asked. She just knew what I needed and did it. When it was raining and windy, she stayed with my two week old twins while I took my older son to school. She is like an Auntie to my children and is always there for them and will never walk past us and not stop to check in.
I speak mainly of her yet her husband and children have also done so much for us. Her children are older than mine however they have the most beautiful connection. My kids adore them and look up to them like bigger siblings. The whole family are so full of love and care that it’s hard to put in words.
My neighbours migrated here to Australia in 1999. They are Bosnian Muslim and we are Macedonian Orthodox. With so much hate in this world over religion, we choose to celebrate our culture’s national and religious holidays together. It brings us so much joy to take part in each other’s traditions and be a living example of peace and unity.
We have them over for their very important Halal Iftar and they will always bring Easter eggs and Christmas presents for us all. Not to mention the most beautiful Bosnian Baklava she makes during her festive season.
A birthday has not gone past without us sharing a cake or two between us and so many laughs. There have been some tough times too. We always have an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on when needed.
I can only wish that everyone had a neighbour like we do. It would sure make this world a better place to be in.