As part of Brimbank City Council’s ongoing advocacy to protect the health and wellbeing of residents living near the Melbourne Airport or beneath flight paths, it has made a submission to the Federal Government’s Aviation White Paper Terms of Reference (Aviation White Paper).
The Aviation White Paper is expected to set the long-term policies to guide the next generation of growth and innovation in the aviation sector. Council endorsed the Aviation White Paper submission at its Council Meeting on 21 March.
Council’s submission identified several concerns in terms of airport planning, consultation and management. It also highlighted the lack of transparency or adequacy of measures to protect human health and wellbeing including:
- The current aviation noise measurement system
- Ongoing monitoring of aircraft noise and aviation noise complaints systems
- The way airports plan and the Federal government assessment and approval process
- The ability for the community to present concerns or submissions to an independent and expert third party for consideration
- The current Federal statutory framework.
The White Paper submission is consistent with Council’s endorsed Submission to the Melbourne Airport 2022 Draft Master Plan and Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan for the Third Runway, which has underpinned Council advocacy, ‘Know the Facts’ on Melbourne Airport’s proposed third runway. Council was disappointed with the decision in November 2022 by the Federal Government to approve Melbourne Airport’s Master Plan for a third runway without conducting its own independent assessment of health impacts.
Learn more
Brimbank residents can support this campaign by visiting to sent an email to the Minister with your concerns.
The public can visit the Federal Government Aviation White Paper website or email to learn more about the Aviation White Paper.