It’s time to clean those unwanted household chemicals out of your shed, cupboard and from under your sink. Dispose of them safely at Sustainability Victoria’s Detox your Home event on Saturday 27 May, 9am – 2pm at Stadium Drive, Keilor Park.
Detox your Home events are staffed by expert chemists who understand how to safely manage household chemicals. Chemicals are safely stored during the event and transported to a licensed processing facility at the end of the day.
Brimbank City Council is co-hosting this free event. Registration is essential and can be done via Eventbrite.
Acceptable Chemicals:
- Fuels and flammable liquids – turpentine, methylated spirits, petrol, kerosene, diesel, paint thinners
- Garden – herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers, pool chemicals, poisons
- Household – cleaners, bleach, ammonia, oven cleaner, solvents, cooking oil, cosmetics, fire extinguishers
- Car – wax, transmission fluid, body filler, brake fluid
- Aerosol cans (including those containing paint but not cans of paint)
- Gas cylinders, for example, acetylene (helium for party balloons) and more.
Chemicals that CANNOT be accepted include:
- Paint (this can be dropped at Brimbank’s resource recovery centre)
- Thermometers/thermostats containing mercury (note we can accept mercury in a container)
- Motor oil (this can be dropped at council waste sites).