As Brimbank forges ahead into summer, heatwaves can pose a health risk.
A heatwave is three or more very hot days when the day and night temperature is 30 degrees Celsius or more.
There are many ways to stay cool during extreme heat, such as. :
- check the weather forecast so you can be prepared
- call or visit vulnerable family and friends to check if they are okay
- stay hydrated, carry a full drink bottle with you, and take small sips frequently (don’t forget to give your pets plenty of fresh water to drink)
- planning ahead by cancelling non-essential outings and scheduling essential activities for the coolest part of the day
- keep your home cool by closing the blinds and curtains.
Heatwaves in Brimbank are particularly severe due to the ‘Urban Heat Island Effect’ since our local landscape has less tree coverage and more paved surfaces compared to other parts of greater Melbourne. This makes the need to stay heatwave safe especially important for our residents.