An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 20 June 2023.
More information is available at 2023 Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.
Adoption of Year Three Council Plan Annual Action Plan and Budget
Council adopted the final Annual Budget and Council Plan Annual Action Plan for 2023-2024, following extensive community consultation.
The Budget and Annual Action Plan have been shaped by the thoughts and ideas shared during Council’s extensive community engagement process. More than 200 people were engaged in the community, and we received 155 online community contributions.
The financially responsible budget prioritises community health and wellbeing, delivers improvements to parks, roads, and town centres, upgrades sporting and community facilities, and focuses on sustainability projects and responds to climate emergency.
Under the 2023/2024 Action Plan, Council will deliver 109 actions that contribute towards implementing the ‘Together We are Brimbank’ Council Plan, and Council’s vision for a transformed Brimbank that is beautiful, thriving, healthy and connected.
This budget will invest $55.9 million on capital works to deliver essential infrastructure, projects, services and facilities across our city.
Planning Activity Update and Delegate Decisions including Planning Scheme Amendment Update – May 2023
This report provided Council with an update on:
- The status of planning permit applications and trends in planning approvals in Brimbank in May 2023
- Decisions made under delegated authority in May 2023 regarding planning permit applications and other matters
- The status of current Planning Scheme Amendments at 31 May 2023
In May 2023 Council made 86 planning determinations, 30 subdivision determinations and 61 new planning permit applications were received. The value of development for these applications is $20.8 million.
One planning appeal was determined by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) over this period. At the end of April 2023, there were 13 appeals lodged at VCAT that had not yet been determined. This is one more then at the end of May 2022.
Draft LGBTQIA+ Action Plan
Council endorsed the draft LGBTQIA+ Action Plan 2023-2027 for community consultation and invited written submissions.
Initial consultations to inform the first draft of this action plan took place between April and December 2022 capturing a range of more than 300 voices from all life stages, CALD communities, disabilities, families, carers and allies.
Four key priority areas were identified to ensure Brimbank LGBTQIA+ community are included, empowered, safe and supported:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Safety and Safe Places
- Inclusive and Empowered
- Organisational Leadership and Advocacy
Council’s draft plan has been developed to align with Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ Strategy 2022-2032 and supports the state’s vision and plan to drive equality and inclusion for diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer communities within all aspects of government work over the next decade.
This is the first draft LGBTQIA+ Action Plan for Brimbank and consultation will start on 29 June and close on 27 July. For more details visit Your Say Brimbank
Governance Report June 2023
Council considered a summary of recent Governance activity.
This included a report on the exercise of delegated authority, Councillor Representatives and delegates reports from committees and records of informal meetings of Councillors.
In addition Council also:
- Endorsed the draft Brimbank Governance Rules for community consultation for a three-week period, and agreed to receive a further report providing a summary of submissions received and a final draft Brimbank Governance Rules for consideration.
- Granted a request for “Freedom of Entry” to the City of Brimbank to the
Australian Army 30 Army Cadet Unit on 12 November 2023.
- Noted and approved the variations to Contract No. 21/3053 – Reconstruction of Sports Ground – More Park Reserve Ardeer and authorised payments to any outstanding works orders relating to these.
Sydenham Park Projects Update
A report on Sydenham Park provided Council with an update on:
- The implementation of the Sydenham Park Master Plan
- The status of works at Sydenham Park and other infrastructure projects within the park.
The Sydenham Park Master Plan was adopted on 15 March 2022.
Under the Plan, Stage 1 works started on-site in January 2023.
This includes the construction of a Shared User Path with lookout and nature play area. These works are expected to be completed in the coming weeks. An official opening is planned for later in the year.
The following funding has been allocated in the 2023-2024 capital works budget (with further funding for these projects and implementation of the Sydenham Park Master Plan anticipated in future years):
- Stage 2 path works with a budget of $2 million
- $500,000 for restoration works to Robertsons Homestead
- $60,000 for a feasibility study for the Shearing Shed restoration and future use.
In November 2022, Council resolved to begin a process to rename Sydenham Park to an appropriate Aboriginal name in consultation with Wurundjeri Woiwurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation. The renaming process will involve extensive stakeholder and community consultation, and is anticipated to take about 12-18 months to complete.
In December 2022, Council considered the processes, costs and timelines involved in establishing a Sydenham Park Consultative Committee, subject to the adoption of Sydenham Park Consultative Committee Terms of Reference.
Following this, in February 2023, Council endorsed the draft Sydenham Park Consultative Committee Terms of Reference.
A key purpose of the Sydenham Park Consultative Committee is to provide a forum for sharing ideas and discussions with members on a range of topics relating to the implementation of the Sydenham Park Master Plan.
The process to appoint a Chair is underway with a final decision expected shortly. Following this, a selection panel will be established to determine the membership of the Committee. Council will receive a full report on membership details along with an update to the Terms of Reference.
Given the complexity of Sydenham Park, its size and the environmental and cultural values, making improvements to the park will require time and careful consideration. This will be guided by the Sydenham Park Master Plan with reports provided to the Sydenham Park Consultative Committee.
Works are progressing well to deliver on the Master Plan and Sydenham Park will ultimately be made a great place for the Brimbank community to use and experience.
Notices of Motion
At the Council Meeting on 20 June 2023, five Notices of Motion were carried:
- Keilor Park Drive, Keilor East Road safety concerns – raised by Cr Virginia Tachos
- Urgent action on Bus Reforms in the West – raised by Cr Virginia Tachos
- State funding for bicycle education programs – raised by Cr Virginia Tachos
- Road Safety at Anderson Road, Sunshine and The Avenue, Sunshine West – raised by Cr Thomas O’Reilly
- Public Facing Framework or Policy regarding known and potentially contaminated land – raised by Cr Lancashire