We are looking for three people to join the Sydenham Park Consultative Committee and share ideas about the park’s future.
It’s an opportunity for discussion about the Sydenham Park Master Plan, as well as help Council advocate for future development of Sydenham Park.
We want this committee to reflect our community and encourage nominations from people with diverse backgrounds.
The Sydenham Park Consultative Committee is being formed to:
- provide a forum for sharing ideas and discussions about the Sydenham Park Master Plan
- help Council advocate for investment and development of Sydenham Park
- help with discussions between stakeholders on matters impacting the park
- complement broad community and stakeholder engagement.
How to join
Read the Terms of Reference and complete a nomination form.
The selection panel will review all nominations, select three people to represent the community and notify successful nominees.
We will confirm appointed nominees at the October Council Meeting.
About Sydenham Park
Sydenham Park is 230 hectares of land in Keilor North. It’s where Jacksons Creek and Deep Creek meet to form the Maribyrnong River. What makes this park special:
- Aboriginal artefacts across the site
- home to kangaroos, wallabies, birdlife, river animals, native plants and more
- a historic homestead and shearing shed
- a golf course, and
- home to a model aircraft club.
Our Sydenham Park Master Plan objectives includes:
- increase community access to this environmentally and culturally sensitive park
- opportunity for new sports grounds on site.
To nominate visit www.yoursay.brimbank.vic.gov.au