An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 22 November 2023.
More information is available at 2023 Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.
Consideration on Introducing Council Public Forums
Following debate at the 17 October 2023 Council Meeting, a decision on this matter was deferred to the next practicable Council Meeting being 22 November 2023.
Council received a report detailing how a regular Public Forum meeting could be introduced at Brimbank City Council. The report was in response to a Notice of Motion at the 18 July Council Meeting.
The report provided an analysis of Council’s current community engagement activity, information gained through a benchmarking exercise to learn what other councils run in terms of public forums, an analysis of the various options possible, details about how the various options could be implemented and what the risk implications would be for Council.
Council, noting the current profile of community engagement activity and the review process underway for Council’s Community Engagement Policy, resolved that Council public forums will not be introduced at this time.
Planning Activity Update and Delegate Decisions including Planning Scheme Amendment Update
The report provided Council with an update on:
- The status of planning permit applications and trends in planning approvals in Brimbank
- Decisions made under delegated authority in October 2023 regarding planning permit applications and other matters, and
- The status of current Planning Scheme Amendments at 31 October 2023.
In October 2023 Council made 72 planning determinations and 20 subdivision determinations under delegation. Sixty-eight new planning permit applications were received. The value of development for these applications is $72 million.
One planning appeal was determined by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) over this period. At the end of October 2023, there were four appeals lodged at VCAT that had not yet been determined. This is eight less that at the end of October 2022.
Climate Emergency Report Card 2022-2023
Council endorsed the Climate Emergency Plan Report Card for 2022-2023 for public release.
The Climate Emergency Plan 2020-2025 is in its third year. It recognises the urgent need for action from all levels of government, and outlines Council’s commitment to leading the Brimbank community towards a low-carbon and resilient future.
Each year Council’s report card highlights what it is doing to respond to the climate emergency.
Actions to date includes:
- Council has reduced its corporate greenhouse gas emissions by 78% over the past 10 years. Installing roof-top solar, energy efficiency upgrades and purchasing 100 per cent renewable electricity via the Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO) have helped Council achieve this outcome.
- Council has developed a Fleet Transition Plan, and is working on developing a plan to ‘Get off gas’. This will help to achieve Council’s target of net zero emissions by 2030.
Despite the considerable progress made, challenges remain in achieving corporate and community-wide emissions reduction targets.
These include:
- Council still operates several petrol and diesel powered vehicles. Many of these vehicles do not yet have an electric equivalent, and where there is an alternative the upfront costs are significant.
- At least 38 Council facilities use natural gas, which cannot be sourced renewably. The degasification of Council facilities is essential to reaching zero net emissions by 2030. However, the initial cost to do this will also be expensive. In the long term getting off gas is expected to save Council money.
Council continues to implement the actions from the Climate Emergency Plan with several priorities for 2023-24.
This includes:
- Electrify the West Sunshine Community Centre
- Continue to deliver the Solar on Sports Pavilions Program
- Preparation of a degasification plan.
Find the full Climate Emergency Plan 2020-2025 at, and also more information about Council’s actions to address climate change. The website also has resources for the community on topics including solar panels, getting off gas, and becoming more climate resilient a home.
Submission to Aviation Green Paper
Council will make a submission to the Aviation Green Paper, its next step in advocating for Brimbank residents that are significantly impacted by the noise associated with existing and future flight paths, and impacts.
Council endorsed the submission which includes 30 recommendations to the Green Paper at its November Council Meeting.
The Aviation Green Paper was released by the Federal Government on 7 September 2023 and submissions invited until 30 November 2023. The Green Paper will inform the preparation of the Aviation White Paper. This will set the policy direction for Australia’s aviation sector to 2050.
The Green Paper submission is part of lengthy Council advocacy on the future development of the Melbourne Airport. Over the past 18 months this has included the ‘Know the Facts on the Third Runway campaign’ calling for the Federal Government to commission a thorough independent investigation into the potential health impacts of the proposed third runway before it decides on Melbourne’ Airport’s proposal. Council is also calling for the health impact assessment to be made public, so it can be shared with potentially impacted households and communities.
Council’s submission to the Green Paper includes 30 recommendations responding to key drivers and policy directions identified in the Aviation Green Paper that are most relevant to Council.
A key outcome that Council’s submission is seeking is that the Federal Government give greater regard to the health and wellbeing of communities that surround airports, and that are impacted by aircraft noise.
Its submission also focuses on areas including airports, disability access settings, maximising aviation’s contribution to net zero, airport development planning processes and consultation and future industry workforce.
The Federal Government is expected to release the White Paper sometime in 2024.
Quarterly Budget Report (Jul/Aug/Sep)
Council noted the Quarterly Budget Report and accompanying statements for the period ending 30 September 2023.
This included an analysis of the year-to-date Operating and Cash results, and Operating and Cash Flow forecasts to the financial year ending 30 June 2024.
The Quarterly Budget Report is a requirement under the Local Government Act 2020.
Council Plan 2021 – 2025 – Year Three Annual Action Plan (1st Quarter Progress Report)
Adopted in October 2021, Together We Are Brimbank integrates Council’s Community Vision, Council Plan (2021-2025) and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
Implementation of Together we are Brimbank is monitored and evaluated through quarterly reporting of actions, with achievements published in the Brimbank Annual Report. Both of these reporting mechanisms are requirements of the Local Government Act 2020.
This year (2023-2024) the Council Plan Action Plan contains 109 actions. As of 30 September 2023, the status of these actions were as follows:
- 2 actions were completed
- 4 actions were not yet commenced
- 103 actions were in progress.
Going forward, links to the quarterly progress reports will be available to the community on Council’s website here:
Governance Report
Council considered a summary of recent Governance activity. This included a report on:
- Exercise of delegated authority
- Contracts and works orders
- Records of informal meetings of Councillors
- Delegates and representative reports from committees
- Councillor declarations of representations by Members of Parliament
- Proposed amendment to C235brim public acquisition overlay
Council’s appointment of delegates to LeadWest Joint Delegated Committee will now be considered at its December Council Meeting.
Final Draft Brimbank Lifelong Learning Strategy
Council adopted the Brimbank Lifelong Learning Strategy 2024-2029 to guide future actions to improve learning outcomes across the city. The Strategy was designed with community consultations based on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) major building blocks of a learning city, a world recognised framework for lifelong learning.
Brimbank City Council’s Lifelong Learning Strategy 2024-2029 will encourage and support residents to continue to be lifelong learners. Priorities are defined in five distinct Life Stages: birth to compulsory school age; compulsory school age 6-16; post compulsory school age, 17 to early adulthood; 25-60 year; and 60 years and older. Council resolved to write to submitters, to thank them for their submissions. The Strategy can be accessed online here.
Final Draft LGBTQIA+ Action Plan
Council adopted its first LGBTQIA+ Action Plan 2024-2028 to help create a safe and inclusive community that values all people and the diversity they bring through their sexualities, genders, ages, ethnicities, cultures and abilities.
The four key focus areas in Brimbank’s Action Plan are:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Safety and Safe Places
- Inclusion and Empowerment
- Organisational Leadership and Advocacy.
The Plan has been informed by community engagement over a 15-month period and has been developed to align with the Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ Strategy 2022-2032.
Read a copy of the LGBTQIA+ Action Plan.
Combined Report Cards – Homelessness, Electronic Gambling, Safe and Inclusive Brimbank, Fairness Equality and Respect, Mental Wellbeing Plan, Settlement Action Plan, Disability Action Plan, Children’s Strategy and Volunteer Strategy
Council noted the annual report cards that list key achievements, milestones and collaborations as well as future priorities and focus areas for the next 12 months.
The Report Cards keep the community informed about progress towards implementing the:
- Children’s Strategy 2020-24
- Disability Action Plan 2022-26
- Electronic Gambling Policy 2019
- Fairness Equality and Respect Strategy 2019-23
- Homelessness Implementation Plan 2020
- Mental Wellbeing Plan 2022-24
- Safe and Inclusive Brimbank Strategy 2020-24
- Settlement Action Plan 2019-23
- Volunteer Strategy 2018-22.
There are no environmental, financial, regulatory or safety risks identified.
Creating Better Parks Community Scorecard 2022-2023
Council endorsed the Creating Better Parks Policy and Plan Community Report Card for 2022/2023, which provides a summary of the implementation of the Creating Better Parks Policy and Plan.
A key objective of the report card is to showcase the extensive upgrade works completed across the park network in Brimbank.
By the end of the reporting period of 2022/2023, 151 parks have been upgraded and approximately $50 million invested since implementing the policy in 2008.
The current park network includes:
- Seven Flagship Parks
- 30 Suburban Parks
- 123 Neighbourhood Parks
- 100 Local Reserves.
The implementation of the Creating Better Parks program during 2022/2023 included the following park upgrades:
- Suburban Park and Pocket Park Upgrades at:
- Rose Hedge Reserve, Sydenham
- St Andrews Park, Deer Park
- Errington Reserve Skate Park, St Albans
- Cary Street Pocket Park, Sunshine North
- Keilor Park Recreation Reserve
- Neighbourhood Park upgrades at:
- Rutherglen Way Reserve, Taylors Lakes
- Diamond Avenue Reserve, Albanvale
- Clarian Reserve, Cairnlea
- Local Reserve at:
- Capri Porter Reserve, Deer Park
- Bennet Roberts Reserve, Sunshine West
- Pathway improvements at 3 parks in Deer Park and Keilor Downs
- Nature Reserve at Sydenham Park Stage 1 path network
- Shared User Paths (SUP) and Circuit Paths in Reserves:
- Lloyd Reserve Circuit Path and fitness equipment
- Matthews Hill Circuit Path and fitness equipment
- Taylors Creek Bridge and path connections
- Duke Street Shared User Path, Sunshine North
- Green Gully Dog Park, Keilor Downs
- Sports Facilities in Parks:
- Fitness Equipment at Whitley Parade Reserve, Taylors Lakes
- Fitness Equipment at Overton Lea Boulevard Reserve, Sydenham
- 23,621 tubestock planted in parks
- 164 semi-mature trees planted in parks.